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A story about a famous preacher, humble beginnings, and a bright future.
Humble Beginnings
from humble beginnings come great things
In the Summer of 1931, famed preacher/evangelist, Dr. John R. Rice held a thirteen-week revival on the remains of the Grayson County Courthouse Square, which had burned one year earlier. Dr. Rice was determined to establish a Fundamental Independent Baptist Church in Sherman.
On July 16, 1931, Fundamental Baptist Church began with forty members and was later known as Central Baptist Church until 1973, when the name was finally changed to Grayson Bible Baptist Church.

Honorable Legacy
legacy is not leaving something for people, it's leaving something in people
Since that humble beginning in the town square, we have remained steadfast in doctrine and fellowship. Dr. John R. Rice pastored until 1943, and then over a span of nearly 70 years, six more godly men followed God’s leading in the pastorate at GBBC. Dr. Eddy Johnson had the longest tenure of twenty years, before he retired at the end of 2012, and was succeeded by Roy Webster.
Always adapting, attempting to stay current, but never yielding to cultural tendencies, GBBC has remained true to the foundation upon which it was started—The Holy, Inerrant, Inspired Word of God.
The Future Goal
for with God, nothing shall be impossible
In 2004, we moved from Cherry Street to our current location, on the corner of Highway 82 and FM 1417. The beautiful facilities that you see today were provided in a miraculous way and were constructed under the direction of now retired, Pastor Emeritus, Dr. Eddy Johnson.
The future goal of Grayson Bible Baptist Church is to connect people to Jesus Christ and each other through varied avenues of local and global outreach. We want to continue growing and would love to expand our facilities as much as the Lord would allow in the next few years.